Monday, February 22, 2010

This is my February BJP pice. I call it Sweet Heart. I used #15 Delicas and it represents a piece of chocolate candy inside a box. I used Robin A. directions to make the ruffle around the piece of candy.


Dee D said...

Looks good enough to eat!

Robbie said...

I love the ruffles! Beautiful piece and nicely done!

Robin said...

Hi Betty! First, your Valentine "chocolate" looks delicious!!! The idea of using the ruffle technique to create the look of the paper wrapper is really clever! Secondly, I want to help you with posting on the BJP blog, but I need some information: the email address you use for BJP registration, your full name and your town. Also, how do you want to be listed? First name + last initial? Send the info to me: robin [at] robinatkins [dot] com Thanks for letting me know there is a problem.