Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have been busy with several projects. Just finished two sweatshirts for Thanksgiving with turkeys and scarecrows. My friend Dee and I worked hard on them, and I think they turned out really cute. Also painted two pictures for my daughter to hang in her bathroom. I think they are kind of funny looking but she likes them. I am still working on the folded fabric ornaments, but am almost finished with them.


Phyl said...

Love the fishes/underwater painted canvases for daughter!And what cute sweatshirts you and Dee made again!(What happened to that scarecrow's missing toe on his left foot?!!!)Got it caught in the combine, huh?!!Hee, hee!

Lynda said...

Your sweatshirts are really cute and they do seem like a lot of work. I especially like the 4 witches with the hats in a monkey wrench pattern. Your painted fish look a lot like a fabric I purchased several years ago and made a quilt for my grandkids.

Karen said...

Very cute!